
Scala: Programming Language for Functional and Object-Oriented Programming

Scala is a modern programming language created by Martin Odersky in 2004. It is a multi-paradigm language that combines functional and object-oriented programming, making it one of the most versatile languages available today. Scala is statically typed and type-safe, which means that the compiler can detect any type errors before the code is executed. It also supports powerful data abstraction, allowing developers to create abstractions over data types for more efficient coding. The language includes both imperative and declarative programming styles, making it an ideal choice for both experienced developers and beginners alike.

Apart from its power, Scala's greatest strength lies in its scalability. Its code can be compiled into Java bytecode so it can run on any JVM (Java Virtual Machine). This makes it easy to run on multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and more. Furthermore, Scala's interoperability with Java allows developers to leverage existing Java libraries and frameworks with minimal effort. This helps speed up development time significantly while allowing them to focus on their own logic instead of worrying about underlying implementation details.

The language also offers many advanced features such as pattern matching, views and lazy evaluation that make it suitable for complex application development tasks. These features make it easier for developers to write concise code without sacrificing readability or maintainability. Additionally, its strong static typing helps ensure that errors are caught early in the development process, further improving code quality.

Overall, Scala has become an increasingly popular choice for developing powerful applications due to its scalability and rich feature set. Its combination of functional and object-oriented programming makes it an ideal choice for those looking to build high performance apps with advanced features quickly and easily without sacrificing code quality or readability.

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September 2018

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August 2019

Tegonal at Scala Days 2019

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June 2019

Scala Meet-up: Scala.JS

The next Meetup of the Bern Scala User Group will be on October 15th on the topic Scala.js

There will be two speeches. The first will deal with the concept and theory of Scala.js and the second with a hands-on, a real world example.

We look forward to your registration.

August 2018

First Scala Meetup in Bern

We would like to invite you to the first Scala Meetup in Bern. The meeting ist to serve networking and knowledge transfer on the topic of Scala. What topics are you interested in? What do you expect from such a Meetup.

We will meet on Wednesday, 21 February 2018 at 18 pm in the Tegonal office at Wasserwerkgasse 2 in Bern. We will offer beer and chips.

Bern Scala User Group

February 2018

Scala Meetup: Traceable Data Entities with Spark 2.x

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May 2018

Scala Meetup: How to migrate to Scala 3.0, aka Dotty?

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August 2019

Scala Meetup: LuceneRDD for (Geospatial) Search and Entity Linkage

The next Meetup of the Bern Scala User Group will take place on Tuesday, 26 March 2019, 6pm.

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