Mikel Cordovilla Mesonero


Mikel's interest in computers started at school with a Pentium 100 and Windows 95. He had never used a keyboard before. Once he had the mouse in his hand there was no turning back. Mikel landed in Tegonal after first journeying through Spain, France, the Czech Republic and Ireland. En-route he picked up another 2 and a half languages and successfully completed a doctorate in aeronautics.

Even with all this baggage there have always been two key concepts that have remained, free technologies and technology for the people. Tegonal is a good fit for Mikel's interests because working with this team includes direct contact with the client, using the latest technologies, space to work with and for free technologies and work with associations. He particularly appreciates the environment where decisions are made together.

Articles by Mikel Cordovilla Mesonero

OpenOlitor stats 2022

A quick look at the numbers of the past year in comparison to 2021.

February 2023

Tegonal presented OpenOlitor at FOSDEM 2020

This year Tegonal took part in the free and open source software conference FOSDEM 2020.

February 2020

More than 120'000 baskets delivered!

We are so proud to announce that in 2020, OpenOlitor helped organizing a structure for the successful delivery of more than 120'000 baskets for our partner Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) groups. All of them, self-organized organizations working with small local producers and a lot of good intentions! If you are interested on CSAs and OpenOlitor, contact us!

February 2021

Self hosted Workflow Automation with n8n

During our Open Source Week we identified a few topics we could work on. Today I would like to focus on one of those and share our findings.

June 2022

OpenOlitor Reports a higher Number of Baskets Ordered in Switzerland for 2023

A quick look at the numbers of the past year in comparison to previous years.

January 2024

Tegonal collaboration with Open Food Network Switzerland

Tegonal is pleased to announce a collaboration with the Open Food Network Switzerland offering this non profit association the technical consulting needed for their activities.

May 2022

Sunu and OpenOlitor presentation at Bits & Bäume

This Sunday 18th of November, the Sunu team, a group focused on providing Open Source tools for Community Supported Agriculture groups in Germany, will be presenting OpenOlitor in the Bits & Bäume, the Conference for Digitalization and Sustainability happening in Berlin 17th and 18th of November.

More information about the topic is available in fahrplan.bits-und-baeume.org

Video of the presentation.

November 2018

40% more baskets distributed in 2021!

Openolitor helped distribute 170,000 baskets in Switzerland & 10,000 in Germany in 2021

January 2022

Other team members

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