Thomas Rawyler


Thomas is a software developer and architect. He likes to solve tricky tasks, in hardware or software. It all started as a hobby with gaming, which is still part of his interest in computers. Teaching and studying have increasingly confirmed his choice.

What he likes at Tegonal is that solutions are developed by consensus and are always critically scrutinized. His favorite thing to do is write code in Scala. He likes to be out in nature with his camera and occasionally works with wood.

Articles by Thomas Rawyler

Extension of the Open Source Metabase Adapter for Teradata by Swisscom

We were asked to extend the data analysis software Metabase for Swisscom with an adapter for Teradata.

June 2018

New on PhaenoNet: document animal observations

PhaenoNet can be used to document and share observations of seasonal changes in plants. The platform unites students, teachers, experts, scientists and interested lay people in the service of phenology.

Observations of selected animals can now also be documented on PhaenoNet by PhenoRangers from Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL. At the same time as this expansion, improvements were made to the mobile layout and to the readability of texts and the display of images.

May 2022

Teradata Metabase Adapter in Clojure v0.43.x

We developed an adapter for Metabase on Teradata for Swisscom. The biggest obstacle was the proprietary database system Teradata, which limits the testability outside the own machine. The pull request is still open and the implementation may be used without warranty.

September 2022

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