Legal information & data privacy


Site owner and contact:

Tegonal Genossenschaft
Wasserwerkgasse 2
CH-3011 Bern

Phone: 031 328 33 60


Privacy statement

We value your privacy as much as we value ours.

This website does not store information on third party systems that would allow us to make conclusions about your identity without your consent.

Things we do use:

  • We use anonymous statistics (courtesy of Plausible Analytics) to gain basic insights on page views limited to this domain.
  • All data entered and sent via forms is directly sent to a mailbox and not stored in a third party system.
  • All cookies set by this site are strictly limited to not contain identifiable information for third party services and are required for the proper functionality of the website.
© 2024 Tegonal CooperativeCelebrating 20 years of experience in consulting and software developmentimprint & privacy statement