Fullstack Development

Digitization for BEWETEC

As a specialist in reinforcing steel, BEWETEC relies on good communication and a secure supply chain from the manufacturer to the customer on the construction site to be able to supply hundreds of construction sites every year. Recognising the signs of the times, BEWETEC began investing in the digitalisation of its business processes years ago. BEWETEC's customers can use the customer portal developed by Tegonal to place orders, arrange delivery dates, view documents and carry out invoicing and inflation calculations. The portal is linked to the ERP system so that customer interactions are immediately integrated into the process flow. Calendar planning makes it possible to schedule batch call-offs for several months in advance, or short-term call-offs for a few days in advance.

We are proud to have supported BEWETEC from the very beginning in providing their customers with planning security and modern working tools. The solution has grown with the company and has been continually optimised to meet new challenges and other requirements that have arisen in daily use.

Our solution consists of a Java backend that integrates seamlessly with the Microsoft Azure environment, and a responsive Angular front-end application that can be used by employees at their desks as well as by customers on their tablets at the construction site.

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