Custom Software Development

Custom software development (CSD) offers many benefits to businesses, including increased efficiency, improved productivity and greater customer satisfaction. Let's take a closer look at when it makes sense to start a CSD project, what challenges it can help solve, and what the lifecycle of such a project looks like at Tegonal.

When to consider a custom software solution?

Find out how custom software can adapt to your specific business requirements.

A set of guidelines that will enable a well-structured digitisation process.

A brief look at the different stages of software projects.

Why and how we use open source software in custom software development.

Why is there a stigma attached to custom software development?

Maintenance and support

To ensure that your business software solution remains up to date and performing at its best, we offer comprehensive maintenance and support services. Our team can provide regular updates, bug fixes and enhancements to ensure that your software solution continues to meet your business needs. To find the best solution for your specific scenario, we offer custom service level agreements (SLA).

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