What distinguishes Tegonal and where we might be a little different.

The Tegonal perspective

As the executing party in a software project, we always want to be as close as possible to the processes of our clients. This also includes the people who will end up working with the solution. We are convinced that this is the best way to execute a project successfully. Ultimately, the project should be positive, collegial, as economical as possible, expedient and solution-oriented. This starts with analysis, continues with architecture round, visual design, development and operation of a software solution.

Communication is more important than the stack

We are convinced that applications can be developed more efficiently and used more easily if a direct link between architects, stakeholders, developers and users is established right from the start. We consciously take the side of the pragmatists, but without compromising on quality. We pursue this universal approach in customer projects as well as in our open source projects.

The Cooperative as a Business Form

It suits us: Each member of the cooperative has a say and is an equal part of the whole. When business is good, everyone benefits from it. People at Tegonal are not subordinated to a rigid hierarchy.

If you want to know more about it or if this kind of business could perhaps also work for your company, we will gladly give you some information over a coffee.

Open Source and Open Standards

We avoid proprietary software and use open source technologies and open interfaces whenever possible. We try to avoid proprietary dependencies so that our customers can run their projects sustainably. We grant our customers access to the source code so that the dependency on us remains as small as possible.

We are involved in open source projects and thus make an active contribution to the open source community.

We are found at these organizations:


opendata.ch is the platform for open government data in Switzerland. It provides access to a wide range of data from the fields of public administration, economy, environment, education and many others. The platform fosters transparency and the exchange of information and promotes data-driven decision-making.

Digital Society

The Digital Society association is advocating for an open, free and sustainable digital society. It represents the interests of private individuals and organizations in matters relating to the digital transformation and promotes the responsible use of technology. The association offers information events, expert conferences and political lobbying and advocates for the observance of human rights in the digital space.

The Trade Association

Because we are committed to a sustainable economy
and want to network with like-minded businesses that share our attitude and values.

CH Open

Because we are committed to the Open Source idea. Through open source projects, knowledge and experience are shared. This collaboration can lead to great software projects that can be used both by small and large teams.

Free Software Foundation

Because we support the idea of Free Software. And the FSF provides the GNU licenses that we also use for our open source projects, such as OpenOlitor or Lasius.

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