May 2019

Tegonal speaks Kotlin

Due to the enrichment of Robert Stoll as new team member, we have increased our know how in the field of programming with Kotlin.

Kotlin shines over Java with new language features. On one hand they take over a lot of cumbersome work from the developer and on the other hand they allow to write more readable and safer code. At the latest since the inclusion as an official language for Android by Google in 2017, Kotlin has gained considerable attention. We are following closely its latest developments (e.g. in the native field) and support its evolution by reporting bugs as well as bringing in our ideas via feature requests.

Robert has contributed his assertion library Atrium to the Kotlin ecosystem. We are supporting this and other Kotlin open source projects with our expertise.

Would you like to switch to Kotlin? We are happy to offer you a hand to handle the changes efficiently. Either via individual or group training and workshops or via support in a project.

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